Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, 8 September 2007

jalan-jalan NZ

assalamualaikum WBT and kia ora~

the second trimester begins today and that marks the end of my cuti2 NZ..I should say that I had the most occupied holiday since i'm in New Zealand and i feel absolutely good about it..why is that so? For the first week of the holiday..i spent a wonderful wonderful wonderful holiday with my ever-loved family..yes, they came here to visit me and we had planned for cuti-cuti NZ. The cuti-cuti NZ include me,my dad,my mom,my eldest sis(kak yu) and my brother-in-law(a.mat). We had fun, YES..indeed~i've been told by my cousin of how my mother would not stop talking about our trip in NZ, and that she enjoyed spending time with all of us while adoring the scenic view of NZ..yes, my mom really loves NZ's unique and picturesque views...jalan2,travelling, shopping and walking day and night for 9 days. fewhhhh,it sounds tyring yaa..but,knowing my parents very well, they would not want to just sit down and doing nothing. they don't know the meaning of tired..heheh~yes, believe me~! they won't stop asking me 'what's the next plan', 'where are we heading to?', 'kne cepat2 ni..rugi kalau dah sampai sni tak pegi'..see,how excited and ever-moved my parents are..my mom is our official ‘pengarah fotografi’ because she is always the one who will pick the best view to be captured. My dad always be the follower and loyal supporter to my mom.hehe~ kak yu and a.mat incharged of getting videos done at all places that we visited..hehe,a.mat has the talent to be the next newscaster..siap dgn tgn2 lg bile nk crite..lawak sungguh =) The voyage begins at north island covering Rotorua and Taupo and ends at south island covering Christchurch and Queenstown. The holiday at north was time well spent. Moreover, we drove and we were on the move all the time. We stopped and took lots of pictures whenever we want. As ever, mak will be our ‘pengarah fotografi’. The trip to south is beyond excitement. Queenstown, in particular is such a gorgeous place. The lakes and mountains have perfected the panoramic view of Queenstown. It is so good to see everyone enjoying the trip as I enjoyed it very very very much. thank you ayah,mak,kak yu and a.mat for this wonderful holiday

Wednesday, 15 August 2007

happy birthday faaa!!!!

Start:     Aug 10, '07 07:00a
it's my friend's birthday..a dear friend of mine..nur farhanna aidid
may u have a blast day~!!!
many many happy returns n may ur life be blessed with wonderful people around you =)

may Allah's blessings be with u always dear..
maa't taufiq wan najah

luv you,

rombongan cik yam n en fadzil ke new zealand!!!!

Start:     Aug 18, '07 06:00a
hehehe..i am more than excited rite now..my family are going to be in nz from 18-25 august..they are here to visit me n also for 'jalan-jalan nz'..i think they are more excited with the 'jalan-jalan nz'..heheh..so, i've planned our vacation starting from north island down to south island..n it only takes us 9 days to do all the visits..heheh..adventerous tak?~so little time n yet so many place to go..yeah..that's my family..but,it's okay,will try our best..many yg smpat pegi laa..if not,plz come again yeee..owh yaa,my eldest sis n brother-in-law will join the 'jalan-jalan nz' as well..that will be awesome aye..!!!! seronoknyaaaaaaaa =)=)=)

malaysia festival 07

Start:     Aug 12, '07 06:00a
it was a blast..a HUGE success~!
well done WMSO!!! (Wellington Malaysia Students Association)

alhamdulillah,the event ended successfully.we went back with a BIG smile..all the hard work are paid..nothing else than we could ask from the event...juz one word, 'satisfied'..such a relief n indeed, so many sweet memories...

*mood cuti bermula*

Monday, 16 July 2007

fadhilat bulan rejab

Fadilat puasa sepanjang Rejab

REJAB bulan ketujuh dalam kalendar Islam muncul lagi. Rejab yang bermaksud ta'azim (kebesaran, keagungan, kemuliaan) kerana Allah akan melimpahkan rahmat-Nya dan kemurahan-Nya adalah bulan yang sangat mulia. Pada bulan itu mengandungi peristiwa bersejarah kepada orang Islam di mana berlakunya peperangan Tabuk, pembebasan Al-Aqsa daripada tangan tentera Salib dan ada berpendapat bulan inilah berlakunya peristiwa Israk dan Mikraj Nabi Muhammad. Tidak kurang juga ramai melihat Rejab sebagai satu bulan spiritual untuk mempertingkatkan ibadat sunat khususnya ibadat puasa.

Tarikan dan seruan yang ditiup ke dalam jiwa umat Islam terutama untuk melakukan ibadat dipengaruhi oleh penyebaran beberapa hadis yang mengandungi fadilat ibadat di dalam bulan itu.

Justeru, Rejab sebagai bulan yang sangat mulia, sewajarnya umat Islam mengambil kesempatan untuk menambah amalan. Banyak hadis Rasulullah yang diriwayatkan oleh sahabat mengenai kelebihan Rejab:

Amalan terbaik di dalam Rejab ini ialah berpuasa. Maksud hadis Rasulullah mengenai kelebihan berpuasa pada Rejab adalah seperti berikut:

Puasa satu hari - Seperti berpuasa 40 tahun dan mendapat keredaan Allah serta syurga tertinggi.

Puasa dua hari - mendapat kemuliaan besar daripada Allah dan dilipat gandakan pahalanya.

Puasa tiga hari - dijauhkan dugaan dunia oleh Allah, dijadikan sebuah parit panjang yang menghalangnya ke neraka.

Puasa empat hari - diselamatkan daripada seksaan akhirat kelak serta fitnah Dajal.

Puasa lima hari - aman dari azab kubur

Puasa enam hari - dibangkitkan dari kubur dengan muka bercahaya.

Puasa tujuh hari - Allah mengunci tujuh pintu neraka jahanam baginya.

Puasa lapan hari - Allah membuka lapan pintu syurga baginya.

Puasa sembilan hari - keluar dari kuburnya lalu menyeru "Laailahaillallah" dan tidak ditolak dia dari memasuki syurga.

Puasa 10 hari - Allah memperkenankan semua permintaan dan hajatnya, dijadikan hamparan perhentian di titian Siratul Mustaqim setiap satu batu dan dijadikan dua sayap untuk terbang seperti kilat di titian Siratul Mustaqim.

Puasa 13 hari - Saidina Ali berkata bahawa fadilatnya seperti puasa 3,000 tahun.

Puasa 14 hari - Saidina Ali berkata bahawa fadilatnya seperti puasa 10,000 tahun.

Puasa 15 hari - Allah mengampunkan semua dosanya yang lalu di samping menggantikan amalan kejahatan dengan amalan kebaikan. Saidina Ali berkata bahawa fadilatnya seperti puasa 100,000 tahun.

Puasa 16 hari - dapat melihat wajah Allah dalam syurga dan orang pertama menziarahi Allah di dalam syurga.

Puasa 19 hari - Di bina sebuah mahligai di hadapan mahligai Nabi Ibrahim dan Nabi Adam.

Puasa 20 hari - Allah mengampunkan segala dosanya lalu dan melakukan amalan baik dengan baki umurnya.

Sesiapa berpuasa tiga hari dalam bulan ini dan beribadat pada malamnya seperti dia berpuasa 3,000 tahun, diampunkan baginya 70 dosa besar setiap hari, ditunaikan 70 hajat ketika keluar nyawa dari jasadnya, 70 hajat ketika di dalam kuburnya, 70 hajat ketika terbang suhuf (ketika al-Quran dinaikkan ke langit), 70 hajat ketika ditimbang amalannya di Mizan, dan 70 hajat ketika melalui titian Siratul Mustaqim.

Berpuasa pada 27 Rejab (Hari Israk dan Mikraj) seperti berpuasa 60 bulan pahalanya, jika disertai dengan sedekah seumpama puasa 1,000 tahun.

Dapat meminum air sungai yang dinamakan Rejab dengan airnya lebih putih daripada susu, lebih manis daripada manisan, lebih dingin daripada salji.

Setiap umat Islam berpuasa pada Rejab seperti mengerjakan ibadat seumur hidupnya. Tambahan bersedekah seperti beribadat seribu kali haji dan umrah. Dibina untuknya seribu mahligai dengan seribu bilik dan seribu bidadari, lebih cantik daripada matahari seribu kali.

Sedekah pada Rejab seumpama sedekah seribu dinar, dituliskan kepada tiap helai bulu roma seribu kebajikan, diangkat seribu darjat dan dihapuskan seribu kejahatan serta dijauhkan daripada api neraka.

Orang yang lemah daripada berpuasa pada Rejab hendaklah bersedekah tiap hari, sekurang-kurangnya sebuku roti.

Kelebihan lain pada Rejab:

Di dalam bulan lain Allah membalas amalan umat-Nya 10 kali, tetapi di dalam Rejab Allah akan membalas amalan umat-Nya 70 kali.

Sesiapa meminta ampun (beristighfar) pada pagi dan petang 70 atau 100 kali dalam Rejab, diharamkan tubuhnya daripada api neraka.

Rejab bulan Allah, Syaaban bulan Rasulullah, Ramadan bulan umat Rasulullah

Rejab adalah bulan menabur benih, Syaaban bulan menyiram tanaman manakala Ramadan bulan menuai.

Amalan Rejab menyucikan badan, Syaaban menyucikan hati, manakala Ramadan menyucikan roh.

Rejab adalah bulan maghfirah (keampunan), Syaaban bulan syafaat, manakala Ramadan menggandakan kebajikan.

Rejab adalah bulan taubat, Syaaban bulan muhibah, manakala Ramadan bulan dilimpahi pahala amalan yang banyak.

Pahala amalan baik Rejab diganda 70 pahala, Syaaban diganda 700 pahala dan Ramadan diganda 1,000 pahala.

Beberapa amalan lain yang baik dilakukan dalam bulan Rejab:

Menyucikan diri daripada dosa dengan bertaubat dan memohon ampun

Membersihkan hati yang lalai dan alpa melalui amalan beristighfar dan zikir

Mendekatkan diri kepada Allah dengan menunaikan solat

Memohon keselamatan dan kesejahteraan dengan berselawat dan berdoa kepada-Nya

Menginsafkan diri dengan membaca kisah teladan perjuangan Rasulullah dan sirah Islam lain.

Peristiwa penting yang berlaku dalam bulan Rejab:

Israk dan Mikraj (27 Rejab)

Solat lima waktu difardukan ke atas umat Islam (malam Israk Mikraj)

Perang Tabuk terjadi di dalam tahun kesembilan Hijrah.

Doa pada Rejab:

Ya Allah, berkatilah kami pada bulan Rejab dan bulan Syaaban serta sampaikan kami ke bulan Ramadan. Aku bermohon keampunan Allah yang Maha Agung dan tiada Tuhan melainkan Dia, yang hidup, yang berdiri sendiri dan aku bertaubat kepadaNya.

Ya Allah, Engkaulah Tuhanku, tidak ada Tuhan yang patut disembah kecuali Engkau yang mencipta aku. Aku adalah hamba-Mu dan aku dalam genggaman-Mu. Aku dalam perjanjian (beriman dan taat) kepada-Mu sekadar kemampuan yang ada padaku.

Aku berlindung kepada-Mu daripada kejahatan yang (mungkin) aku lakukan. Aku mengakui atas nikmat yang Engkau berikan kepadaku dan mengakui dosaku.

Kerana itu aku memohon keampunan-Mu dan sesungguhnya tiada yang dapat mengampuni dosa seseorang kecuali Engkau Ya-Allah.

Beristighfar paling baik dalam bulan Rejab:

Maksudnya: Aku bermohon keampunan Allah yang Maha Agung dan tiada Tuhan melainkan Dia, yang hidup, yang berdiri sendiri dan aku bertaubat kepada-Nya.

*byk kn fadhilat bulan rejab ni..therefore, marilah bersame2 kite bykn beribadah n berpuasa pade bulan rejab..insya-Allah,ia juga sbg latihan untuk kite menghadapi bulan Ramadhan Al-Mubarak yg tak brape lame lg nk mnjenguk kite..heheh~


Wednesday, 11 July 2007

trimester begins..get back to work...

assalamualaikum wbth and kia ora ppl,

how is ur day? mine is not to good..so so~ i hope that you are fine and looking forward for each day with a bright smile..my holiday had ended and i don't feel good at all~iskkk

second trimester at vic starts this week and that means i have a whole lot of things to be done..yess, i mean A LOT. i have series of meetings to attend, meeting people, organize things and the list goes on..i think i can't sleep well this two weeks thinking of the things that need to be settled and the datelines that keep haunting me..how does that sound, scary huh? i think i have done a little bit of exaggeration here..it's not that bad..it's just that i'm not feeling really good about that work...well, it's just me~

nway, i feel quite relief when i think of the subjects for this trimester. i have only two subjects which is applied linguistic (ALIN 302- Language Education for Science and Technology) and education ( EDUC 236- Issues in Human Development)..alhamdulillah~at least, i can balance my academic and non-academic works wisely.. i really hope..my aim is to get good grades for this trimester..insya-Allah.however, having two subjects in a trimester is quite leisure i guess..have lots of free time and 'termenung time' like some of my friends said..well, that's kinda bored. i prefer my day to be occupied. if not i'll feel lazy and not thinking, which is really bad. i need to think, to keep my brain working all day long..i have to make sure that my schedule does not have lots of empty spaces (hehe..bunyi cm semangat lbh ni..xpe xpe...semangat di awal trimester)

insya-Allah,i'll pray to God that everything will be fine..Allah will not burden us with things that are more than what we are able to do.so nada..be positive..there must be a reason behind it..

till then...



Sunday, 8 July 2007

sydney trip

sydney was our second destination. we stayed at macquarie village where all my tesolers frends live. eventhough the area is quite small and quite but it has a 'midvalley' nearby. it is so convenient that they don't have to travel a long way to sydney to do shopping. i enjoyed my stay there. we had visited sydney opera house, auburn (arab town) where there are heaps of halal food...i felt grateful that i got the chance to visit auburn gallipoli mosque and listened to azan that almost made my tears drop. the feeling was so beautiful and undescribable. the next day, we had visited darling harbour and did some shopping at paddy's market and around sydney. we spent about four days in sydney.

melbourne 23-26 june 07

our trip to australia started from melbourne to sydney and lastly brisbane. these are the pictures when we were in melbourne. melbourne is such a beautiful city.i love the gardens that are full with autumn leaves...chantekkk =) nway, melbourne is known as city of gardens.so, there are lotssss of gardens and parks in melbourne..smpai xlarat nk jln sbb byk sgt..i also adore the unique architecture that can be seen around melbourne...sgt kreatif.. in fact, my friends who is an archi student took lots of building pictures..blh wat reference kot for their design..heheh~ i think it is not too late to say thank you so much for the hospitality during our stay there. thank you henry people, arden people and akak2 rmh tiga tingkat (sorry,i've forgotten the street name) eventhough we just met, they treated us like VIP...i'm touched..thanks a lot!!!

Friday, 15 June 2007

half of the year...

assalamulaikum wbth and kia ora people...

how is it going?hopefully, all of you are in Allah's blessings and lead a happy life..

okay, first of all,i have to admit this..i'm so really not good in writing blog..i always got stuck whenever i try to write something..this is not good..maybe,i don't have the talent to write blog..or i am not pushing myself harder to write something..well, i have to write smthng,if not, this blog will end up rusty..i'll try my best..i would like to say sorry in advance if what i'm trying to write is kinda crappy..i think i have a BIG possibility to do that...so,bear with me people.

i'm now waiting patiently for the first trimester to end..i really need holidays..the thing that I never missed out from my calender..HOLIDAYSSS!!!~heheh..life is treating me well,i guess..alhamdulillah, still having the chance to live in Iman and Islam..i'm trying to be a better muslimah each and everday..pray for me,kay...

i'm actually looking forward for my trip to Australia..it's on 23rd june..rite after my LING 224 exam. gosh,that's a relief..i'm so excited!!~i'm going to visit my dear friends at Melbourne, Brisbane and Sydney..it has been so long since the last time we met each other.That makes me more excited!!! holidayss and meeting friends..that's a perfect holiday =)

till then people..

study smart n play hard

be safe and take care..

wslm wbth~


Friday, 2 March 2007

'don't be sad'

"don't be sad"
by sheikh 'a-idh al-qarni

If you are stricken by poverty, others are chained in debt.
If you don’t have shoes, others have no feet.
If you feel pain now, others have been aching for years.
If your son dies, others have lost many.

If you have sinned, then repent.
If you have committed a mistake, correct it.
The doors of repentance are ever open!
The fountain of forgiveness is every rich!
So, don’t be sad!

Let all bygones be bygones!
What is predestined for you, you shall see it!
Being sad will not change anything!
So don’t be sad!

Sadness spoils your life!
Destroys your happiness!
And turns it into wretchedness!
So don’t be sad!

Supplication is your shield!
Prayer is your beacon!
Prostration is your means!
So don’t be sad!

See how vast is the earth!
How nice are the gardens and forests!
How bright are the stars!
All are happy, but you are sad!
So, don’t be sad!

You have sweet water to drink!
Fresh air to breathe!
Feet to walk with!
You sleep safely in your bed!
So, why be sad?

Every cloud has a silver lining!
After long nights, come the bright sun!
Life will soon give you a smile!
So be ready to get it!

And don’t be sad!
Real life is that spent in happiness!
So cross out your sad days from your age!
Peace of mind is the real treasure!
Sorrow avails not!
So don’t be sad!

Allah's knows best!

ALLAH knows what is best for us
So why should we complain?
We always want the sunshine
But He knows there must be rain.

We always want laughter
and the merriment of cheer
but our heart will lose their tenderness
If we never shed a tear.

ALLAH tests us often
with suffering and sorrow
He tests us not to punish us
but to help us meet tomorrow.

For growing trees are strenghtened
if they can withstand the storm
and the sharpness of the chisel
gave the marble its grace and form.

ALLAH tests us often
and for every pain He gives us
provided we are patient
Is followed by rich gain
So whenever we feel that
everything is going wrong
It is just ALLAH'S way to make our spirit strong.

Tuesday, 2 January 2007

i went back to holland...hmmm,sedeynyee nk pisah ngan mai~

Start:     Dec 17, '06 6:00p
after 9 days at rennes and 1 day at paris, it's time for me to say goodbye to mai..
mai,i just want u to know that i had a great time in rennes n paris...such an unforgettable holiday...thank u so much for the hospitality and the time you spent with me tho i knew that u have other things to do...sorry if u had to abandon ur study time..i really felt guilty..thank u mai..thank u..
may Allah bless u alwaysss...ukhuwwah fillah abadan abada~

i went to france to visit a dear of mine..maisarah ariffin...

Start:     Dec 8, '06 6:00p

london..here i come~..moga sumenye brjln lancar...insyallah...

Start:     Jan 4, '07 6:00p