assalamualaikum WBT and kia ora~
the second trimester begins today and that marks the end of my cuti2 NZ..I should say that I had the most occupied holiday since i'm in New Zealand and i feel absolutely good about it..why is that so? For the first week of the holiday..i spent a wonderful wonderful wonderful holiday with my ever-loved family..yes, they came here to visit me and we had planned for cuti-cuti NZ. The cuti-cuti NZ include me,my dad,my mom,my eldest sis(kak yu) and my brother-in-law(a.mat). We had fun, YES..indeed~i've been told by my cousin of how my mother would not stop talking about our trip in NZ, and that she enjoyed spending time with all of us while adoring the scenic view of NZ..yes, my mom really loves NZ's unique and picturesque views...jalan2,travelling, shopping and walking day and night for 9 days. fewhhhh,it sounds tyring yaa..but,knowing my parents very well, they would not want to just sit down and doing nothing. they don't know the meaning of tired..heheh~yes, believe me~! they won't stop asking me 'what's the next plan', 'where are we heading to?', 'kne cepat2 ni..rugi kalau dah sampai sni tak pegi'..see,how excited and ever-moved my parents mom is our official ‘pengarah fotografi’ because she is always the one who will pick the best view to be captured. My dad always be the follower and loyal supporter to my mom.hehe~ kak yu and a.mat incharged of getting videos done at all places that we visited..hehe,a.mat has the talent to be the next newscaster..siap dgn tgn2 lg bile nk crite..lawak sungguh =) The voyage begins at north island covering Rotorua and Taupo and ends at south island covering Christchurch and Queenstown. The holiday at north was time well spent. Moreover, we drove and we were on the move all the time. We stopped and took lots of pictures whenever we want. As ever, mak will be our ‘pengarah fotografi’. The trip to south is beyond excitement. Queenstown, in particular is such a gorgeous place. The lakes and mountains have perfected the panoramic view of Queenstown. It is so good to see everyone enjoying the trip as I enjoyed it very very very much. thank you ayah,mak,kak yu and a.mat for this wonderful holiday