at this moment,i feel like sharing my experience helping the school choral speaking team to practice for school level competition that was held last wednesday (April 15).the result?
we got fourth placing...sighhhhh
i was very pleased to be part of the team and having a good team to work with makes it even more fun and fulfilling. no stress, just pure hard work..ahaaaa~
the choral speakers had been practicing for about two weeks. k.wan did the scriptwriting and I helped her to edit the script. however, it has been constantly changing until the very last minute, looking at the necessity of the performance.(to ensure that we reach the time limit..yess,it's hard to reach 8 mins i tell you..we already have 4 pages of the script, to add sounds and movements etc).the students also contributed brilliant ideas that add colors to the script.for those who r familiar wth choral speaking,u knw why the script is alwys changing..
the practice session went okay though some boys wre not gvng their full commitment..thy come as thy's hard to keep thm coming for the practice..yes, thy might hv their own reasons for their absent(tuition etc) some boys like iqbal,arif,loga and wong gave their best commitmnt..good job boys!~ the girls..very dedicated n enthusiastic..what else cld i ask frm them
with all the hard work,the roller coaster weeks of practice,the challenges and the 'political situation' that we successfully faced with good grace and the fantastic efforts tht you have shown...i hv to say tht i'm proud to hv y'all as the CYBERIAN choral speakers!!!! way to go guys!