salam wbth people...
best wishes to all and hopefully life is treating all of u well...insyallah,with Allah's blessings everything will be smooth and experience peace and smooth sailing journey tht we wish for..
alhamdulillah,life is treating me well and i am grateful to be able to breathe at this moment and surrounded by my loved words to express of how i am feeling right able to love and being loved by someone special is beyond words..sometimes,people that we love can make us hurt so much even because of the smallest reason that we could ever imagine..mengader bukan?
we always ask people to treat us the way we like it but often we never bother to give back to people like u love yourself..or even more..if u are able to do that,u r the most happy person on earth~ it's not easy people,really....seriously...nada,hopefully u can do that..mujahadah nada! love people more and insyallah,u will get THE love that you deserve!~
Thursday, 16 December 2010
Wednesday, 25 August 2010
taken and not available~
a few months ago,somewhere in March or to be exact on March 14 i've been engaged wth Mr was quite a memorable ceremony with lots of family members,relatives and friends attended the day..i was a bit nervous during tht day as there are lotsss of people watching me walking down the that time,rse cm nak terbang turun pn ade..but,i keep myself calm n if~
as i walk towards the cushion where i should sit for the 'sarung cincin' moment,i didn't realize that i was walking like ''a teacher who is late to her class''..
like,seriousssssly i didn't notice anything until i saw the vid taken for the ceremony...kekekkee..nobody reminds me of how i should walk gracefully towards the crowd n put lots of smiles to them..and yeah,i was the one totally ignorant!..well,dh jd pn but it was funny tho to think of tht moment..definitely to be in my funny/crazy moment list..hahaha~*msti makcik2 yg tgk tu geleng2 pale apsal la nada ni jln cm keretapi nk pi mna tak tau*
owh yaa..i lurveee the make-up done by Za Juntaian Kaseh..lurve ittt!!!
as i walk towards the cushion where i should sit for the 'sarung cincin' moment,i didn't realize that i was walking like ''a teacher who is late to her class''..
owh yaa..i lurveee the make-up done by Za Juntaian Kaseh..lurve ittt!!!
ramadhan kareem~
slm wbth...
salam ramadhan ntk semua..hiiiii~
dh msk 15 ramadhan hari ni..pejam celik je dh setgh bulan..rse dh wat ape je ntk bulan ramadhan kali ni..baca quran,sedekah,solat terawikh..hmm,biasa2 je..nothing extraordinary..*nk kne ketuk pale sendri*..bkn nak berlumba2 kejar pahala..nmpk cm sgt di zon selesa miss nada ni..haishh3..
uols,meh same2 kite rebut pahala bulan pose's so special that it only happens once a year n in this holy month, Allah will grant all our wishes and i ultimately feel tht ths is the best time for us to grab the chance to be a better Muslim..most people are especially virtuous during Ramadhan because ppl know that this special month will offer us bunch of rewards if we practice good deeds...even a tiny little kindness will be replied wth a shower of barakah from Allah...what more could we ask for? mari mengejar pahala ramadhan kerana didalamnya trdapat seribu keberkatan~
trase nak anta salam perantauan kt newspaper plk..missed all those sweet memories celebrating Eid in Wellington!
salam ramadhan ntk semua..hiiiii~
dh msk 15 ramadhan hari ni..pejam celik je dh setgh bulan..rse dh wat ape je ntk bulan ramadhan kali ni..baca quran,sedekah,solat terawikh..hmm,biasa2 je..nothing extraordinary..*nk kne ketuk pale sendri*..bkn nak berlumba2 kejar pahala..nmpk cm sgt di zon selesa miss nada ni..haishh3..
uols,meh same2 kite rebut pahala bulan pose's so special that it only happens once a year n in this holy month, Allah will grant all our wishes and i ultimately feel tht ths is the best time for us to grab the chance to be a better Muslim..most people are especially virtuous during Ramadhan because ppl know that this special month will offer us bunch of rewards if we practice good deeds...even a tiny little kindness will be replied wth a shower of barakah from Allah...what more could we ask for? mari mengejar pahala ramadhan kerana didalamnya trdapat seribu keberkatan~
trase nak anta salam perantauan kt newspaper plk..missed all those sweet memories celebrating Eid in Wellington!
Wednesday, 31 March 2010
a long hiatus~
hmmm..lame btol tak update ape2 yg ptt dlm blog ni..takde entry krgla kenangan yg bole diingati di kemudian hari...pentingkah ingatan tu?ya penting..tak kiralah kenangan manis atau pahit.pasti memberikan seribu satu makna dan pengajaran yang tidak ternilai..
di blog je tak update..kt fb,email dgn angels bole kate hari2..hari2 pn update dgn kwn2 sekerja (read:joyah)..kdg2 keadaan keje yg membuatkn kite rse perlu untk mgupdate diri..bkn nye perlu cume sekadar nak berkongsi..mgkin juge smbil2 update tu bole dpt ape2 nasihat n peringtan yg berguna..maklumlah bry sethn jagung...rse sgt tak reti hape2 wlpn dh sthn keje..hmm,okla,reti la jugak sket2 but still..trase sgt kekurangan diri ini...
okay..brb..ade cite best nnti akn update lg..
*sedang mencari kekuatan diri..desperately need myself back..*
di blog je tak update..kt fb,email dgn angels bole kate hari2..hari2 pn update dgn kwn2 sekerja (read:joyah)..kdg2 keadaan keje yg membuatkn kite rse perlu untk mgupdate diri..bkn nye perlu cume sekadar nak berkongsi..mgkin juge smbil2 update tu bole dpt ape2 nasihat n peringtan yg berguna..maklumlah bry sethn jagung...rse sgt tak reti hape2 wlpn dh sthn keje..hmm,okla,reti la jugak sket2 but still..trase sgt kekurangan diri ini...
okay..brb..ade cite best nnti akn update lg..
*sedang mencari kekuatan diri..desperately need myself back..*
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