i am really really REALLY anxious to know where i will be posted nxt year..if i were destined to be an educator in sabah or sarawak, i'll accept it with open heart and mind.i will be fine.positive thinking is the best thng that wl keep me going. having a school in a remote area, somewhere in the jungle is somehow interstng and i shld experience it myself..do it now while u r young nada! like wht cikgu kamar said in one lecture during KISSM...
'kamu tau tak..seronok ngajar kt sabah n sarawak..boleh naik bot gi skolah..' hahahhaha,that sounds fun tho..'
sronok,buat ape2 pn kne sronok, baru kite enjoy n tak rse berat hati nak buat. ustaz amiyamin said when he told us about the challenges that we will face as freshies in school.
he is absolutely right about it. true, we should enjoy evrthng that we do and do it as sincerely as possible. No doubt, only Allah can measure our sincerity and therefore do your best, give your best and everything THE BEST (within your capability and ability of course)
i think i am ready mentally to be in school and give my service to the students. Physically..hurmm,the time is yet to come for me to savour the bittersweet experience in school. we'll see what they will offer me and how i handle the situation..using my IQ, EQ and SQ...yess,time to balance up everythng, face the situation calmly and use all these quotients to handle thngs professionally.
the year 2009 that wl be approachng in two weeks time has a lot to offer. Lots of surprises, adrenaline rush, physical and mental challenge in school and what not. i can foresee things tht i will face based on my teaching practice in SMK Hillcrest.i wonder what type of stdnts would it be in the school that i wl b teaching?how are the teachers..are they friendly?are they helpful?wl they bully me?how about the staffs..are thy grumpy and strict or kind and lovely?wl thy process my 'pelantikan jwtan' early so tht i can get my salary asap? fiuhhhhhhhh...too many questions in my head that it wl explode because of uncertainty...be patient nada..sabar2..u wl face it in no time..time flies and the next thng you know..tmrow is your first day in school!!! horror ke nak rse excited?? you choose nada~
ohh, bakal mengajar rupanya ^_^
ReplyDeletesaya pun! Tapi balik kene kpli dulu 6bulan baru posting..
ReplyDeletebakal guru juga yee..
congratz!!! mabruk alaik~
hope that everything went smoothly..insyaAllah~