i'm over with the spp interview..yehuuu!~alhamdulillah..
the interviewer asked me about the differences of education system in nz and in malaysia,what i do to make my lesson fun and interesting,what is so appealing about smk cyberjaya as it is situated in MSC(Multimedia Super Corridor) and the list goes on...while i was explaining about the method that i used in listening skill (the students listen to MJ songs), she quickly picked up on that and asked me further about MJ..and we were discussing about MJ for the rest of the interviews..educationally of course,with the relations and connections to the FPK and JERIS and what not....
the most interesting question she asked me was 'if you were selected to be the teacher for MJ's children,what would you do to educate them with relations to the Malaysian Education Philosophy to make them well balanced individuals? that is one tough question that i don't even remember what i've told her..must be full of ramblings..hehhe~
Friday, 24 July 2009
Tuesday, 2 June 2009
exam week...
two weeks before the school holiday begins,the students had their mid term exam
(PPT1)..the school was quieter than usual (read:only during the examination sessions) although at times we can hear buzzing and whispering sounds esp at the final 30 minutes..owh,they usually completed the papers before that which made them like 'cacing kepanasan' while waiting for the exam to end..agknye form 1 students tak exam-orinted sgt kot
exam week is the time for teachers to relax a bit without having to do lesson plans and also reflections throughout the exam period.some tried to finish marking papers so that they wl have a good holiday..niceee~
as for me, i had to ensure tht the exam sessions went well and the papers were sufficient and arranged according to the days..that was not so hard.. the hardest part wl come after all the marks are collected + waiting for the marks to reach me safely
school holiday=students enjoy/teachers=headache(reading to the incomprehensible sentence structure n repetitous stories) we'll see how i get through this holiday...owh,3 days holiday had past and i haven't started marking yet...huhuh~
(PPT1)..the school was quieter than usual (read:only during the examination sessions) although at times we can hear buzzing and whispering sounds esp at the final 30 minutes..owh,they usually completed the papers before that which made them like 'cacing kepanasan' while waiting for the exam to end..agknye form 1 students tak exam-orinted sgt kot
as for me, i had to ensure tht the exam sessions went well and the papers were sufficient and arranged according to the days..that was not so hard.. the hardest part wl come after all the marks are collected + waiting for the marks to reach me safely
school holiday=students enjoy/teachers=headache(reading to the incomprehensible sentence structure n repetitous stories) we'll see how i get through this holiday...owh,3 days holiday had past and i haven't started marking yet...huhuh~
Friday, 17 April 2009
say it out loud!~
salam n kia ora peeps..
at this moment,i feel like sharing my experience helping the school choral speaking team to practice for school level competition that was held last wednesday (April 15).the result?
we got fourth placing...sighhhhh
owh,that is another episode of the story..i dun think i want to talk about tht here..let bygones be bygones~
i was very pleased to be part of the team and having a good team to work with makes it even more fun and fulfilling. no stress, just pure hard work..ahaaaa~
the choral speakers had been practicing for about two weeks. k.wan did the scriptwriting and I helped her to edit the script. however, it has been constantly changing until the very last minute, looking at the necessity of the performance.(to ensure that we reach the time limit..yess,it's hard to reach 8 mins i tell you..we already have 4 pages of the script, to add sounds and movements etc).the students also contributed brilliant ideas that add colors to the script.for those who r familiar wth choral speaking,u knw why the script is alwys changing..
the practice session went okay though some boys wre not gvng their full commitment..thy come as thy like..it's hard to keep thm coming for the practice..yes, thy might hv their own reasons for their absent(tuition etc) some boys like iqbal,arif,loga and wong gave their best commitmnt..good job boys!~ the girls..very dedicated n enthusiastic..what else cld i ask frm them
with all the hard work,the roller coaster weeks of practice,the challenges and the 'political situation' that we successfully faced with good grace and the fantastic efforts tht you have shown...i hv to say tht i'm proud to hv y'all as the CYBERIAN choral speakers!!!! way to go guys!
at this moment,i feel like sharing my experience helping the school choral speaking team to practice for school level competition that was held last wednesday (April 15).the result?
we got fourth placing...sighhhhh
i was very pleased to be part of the team and having a good team to work with makes it even more fun and fulfilling. no stress, just pure hard work..ahaaaa~
the choral speakers had been practicing for about two weeks. k.wan did the scriptwriting and I helped her to edit the script. however, it has been constantly changing until the very last minute, looking at the necessity of the performance.(to ensure that we reach the time limit..yess,it's hard to reach 8 mins i tell you..we already have 4 pages of the script, to add sounds and movements etc).the students also contributed brilliant ideas that add colors to the script.for those who r familiar wth choral speaking,u knw why the script is alwys changing..
the practice session went okay though some boys wre not gvng their full commitment..thy come as thy like..it's hard to keep thm coming for the practice..yes, thy might hv their own reasons for their absent(tuition etc) some boys like iqbal,arif,loga and wong gave their best commitmnt..good job boys!~ the girls..very dedicated n enthusiastic..what else cld i ask frm them
with all the hard work,the roller coaster weeks of practice,the challenges and the 'political situation' that we successfully faced with good grace and the fantastic efforts tht you have shown...i hv to say tht i'm proud to hv y'all as the CYBERIAN choral speakers!!!! way to go guys!
Monday, 6 April 2009
ohhh yeahhh...
happy2 shall we be..and indeed i am happy..i've gotten my first and second pay already..yipppeee! hmmm..my to-do and to-buy lists are full by now..keskes..owh,mind you, to-save list is done yaa..vry dangerous if it's not done earlier..mau bankrupt syarikat
i hv done what am i supposed to do so tht my pay will have more 'barakah' so to speak..i always believe in tht..
so, what i do wth my salary..i always wanted to give myself a pat at the back for my so-called hardwork...therefore, i often go to my friend's spa to relax and pamper myself aftr some hectic days...if i feel that my body needs to be pampered, there shall i go..hehhe~syiokkkkkk
what more can i ask...my partner-in-crime, puan mary is also addicted to this spa thingy..she likes it vry much...
i like it tooooooooooo
*what's in my mind rite nw?what to buy...hw cn i spend my money wisely wtht getting bankrupt..huhuhu*
so, what i do wth my salary..i always wanted to give myself a pat at the back for my so-called hardwork...therefore, i often go to my friend's spa to relax and pamper myself aftr some hectic days...if i feel that my body needs to be pampered, there shall i go..hehhe~syiokkkkkk
*what's in my mind rite nw?what to buy...hw cn i spend my money wisely wtht getting bankrupt..huhuhu*
Thursday, 26 March 2009
my heart melts...
Situasi: Didalam kelas 1P7 yang sentiasa 'ceria' dan hyper,cikgu sedang mengajar matapelajaran Sejarah.Pelajar seperti tidak menunjukkan minat untuk menjawab latihan yang diberikan.
Melihat keadaan itu, cikgu mendapat idea dan berkata, 'siapa yang dapat jawab soalan dengan betul dan paling cepat akan dapat hadiah!', maka pelajar dengan tiba-tiba bersemangat untuk menjawab soalan latihan itu. Ada yang bertanya 'Cikgu nak bagi hadiah apa?'
Seorang pelajar yang lain berkata,'saya tau hadiah apa yang cikgu nak bagi..cikgu nak bagi kasih sayang cikgu pada saya kan'..saya hanya mampu tersenyum tanpa kata.*dalam hati berbunga2 riang,awwwwwwww~
my heart truly melts listening to those words and looking at the beaming face.that student really made my day...
Melihat keadaan itu, cikgu mendapat idea dan berkata, 'siapa yang dapat jawab soalan dengan betul dan paling cepat akan dapat hadiah!', maka pelajar dengan tiba-tiba bersemangat untuk menjawab soalan latihan itu. Ada yang bertanya 'Cikgu nak bagi hadiah apa?'
Seorang pelajar yang lain berkata,'saya tau hadiah apa yang cikgu nak bagi..cikgu nak bagi kasih sayang cikgu pada saya kan'..saya hanya mampu tersenyum tanpa kata.*dalam hati berbunga2 riang,awwwwwwww~
my heart truly melts listening to those words and looking at the beaming face.that student really made my day...
Wednesday, 25 March 2009
no title
oh dear oh dear...
the school has started this week. so much things to do and i am overwhelmed with all these.i need to do some aromatic therapy to sooth and calm myself and of course, smile a lot bcoz it is healthy to do so =)
i enjoyed my holiday to the max..meeting friends who i dear so much made me feel i am in a thin air.that's the best therapy so far!~
*saye sudah lama tidak menulis blog yee..apela nak jadi...saya ada alasan sendiri (baca:tidak berkesempatan untuk menulis atau malas)..anda bagaimana?
the school has started this week. so much things to do and i am overwhelmed with all these.i need to do some aromatic therapy to sooth and calm myself and of course, smile a lot bcoz it is healthy to do so =)
i enjoyed my holiday to the max..meeting friends who i dear so much made me feel i am in a thin air.that's the best therapy so far!~
*saye sudah lama tidak menulis blog yee..apela nak jadi...saya ada alasan sendiri (baca:tidak berkesempatan untuk menulis atau malas)..anda bagaimana?
Wednesday, 7 January 2009
so long farewell...
I just came back from sending my friends who are posted to Kota Marudu,Sabah at KLIA. There are three of them (Faa,Dayah and Yao) from seven who are supposed to go to Sabah. I was told that the other four are not coming. They are not planning to go, I guess. Whatever it is, they must have their own reasons that I think, we should respect...I know that some of them really want to go to Sabah to teach but because of disapproval from parents, they could not make their dreams come true which is to be educators for children in Sabah. Hence, the dilemma..parents or passion?I believe in this case, parents come first...
I got the chance to talk to one of my friend's mother while waiting for her to settle things for the flight. She expressed her little concern of her daughter going to Sabah and her indignation towards the primary teachers who are sent to Sabah. I can see that she is a worried mother who wants some justice for her daughter. I know that all mothers are like that.They will be reluctant to let their 'anak dara' to go to teach in a place that they barely know, and some more in Sabah.I was also a bit frustrated when I was told that they still do not know which school or which part of Kota Marudu that they will be teaching and living.They will only know the details once they are in Kota Kinabalu or maybe Kota Marudu.So, can you imagine how worried the parents are?
I think that my friends who had decided to take the challenge to go for posting in Sabah deserve my highest respect.They are a bunch of people who are very positive indeed..yes, I know they are verrrrrrryyy posssitiveeeeeeee!~u go girlsss! I can see that they already look like great teachers in the making..with the baju kurung, the 'teacher' walk, the smile,thhe positive attitude, the enthusiasm and the preparation(one of them actually bought some puppets and brought along puppet stages to be used for teaching...awesome!~)...what else can i say...Owh, they will be great and inspirational teachers!~they are products of IPBA and their respective overseas universities.they will make us (IPBARIANS) very proud!!!
happy packing to friends who are going to other destinations in Sabah like Sandakan,Semporna,Tawau,and others..please take care of yourself, hope that you can settle down (find a good and comfortable place to stay),always be motivated for you will motivate your students
(a reminder for myself), remember, there is always a silver lining in every cloud..please keep in touch and may Allah bless us always!~
I got the chance to talk to one of my friend's mother while waiting for her to settle things for the flight. She expressed her little concern of her daughter going to Sabah and her indignation towards the primary teachers who are sent to Sabah. I can see that she is a worried mother who wants some justice for her daughter. I know that all mothers are like that.They will be reluctant to let their 'anak dara' to go to teach in a place that they barely know, and some more in Sabah.I was also a bit frustrated when I was told that they still do not know which school or which part of Kota Marudu that they will be teaching and living.They will only know the details once they are in Kota Kinabalu or maybe Kota Marudu.So, can you imagine how worried the parents are?
I think that my friends who had decided to take the challenge to go for posting in Sabah deserve my highest respect.They are a bunch of people who are very positive indeed..yes, I know they are verrrrrrryyy posssitiveeeeeeee!~u go girlsss! I can see that they already look like great teachers in the making..with the baju kurung, the 'teacher' walk, the smile,thhe positive attitude, the enthusiasm and the preparation(one of them actually bought some puppets and brought along puppet stages to be used for teaching...awesome!~)...what else can i say...Owh, they will be great and inspirational teachers!~they are products of IPBA and their respective overseas universities.they will make us (IPBARIANS) very proud!!!
happy packing to friends who are going to other destinations in Sabah like Sandakan,Semporna,Tawau,and others..please take care of yourself, hope that you can settle down (find a good and comfortable place to stay),always be motivated for you will motivate your students
Sunday, 4 January 2009
of oppressor and oppressed
as said by my dear friend...
'the world is now again watching in dismay the dysfunctionality of the Security Council'...
Allahummansuril Islama wal muslimin fi Palestine...
let us pray for our Muslim brothers and sisters in Palestine...O Allah,make them strong to face this life threatening situation and evil war from the Israelians..For You are our guidance and the best Provider..
'the world is now again watching in dismay the dysfunctionality of the Security Council'...
Allahummansuril Islama wal muslimin fi Palestine...
let us pray for our Muslim brothers and sisters in Palestine...O Allah,make them strong to face this life threatening situation and evil war from the Israelians..For You are our guidance and the best Provider..
Saturday, 3 January 2009
happy and not so happy....
kak yu had delivered a super cute and adorable baby girl on the 30th of Dec.This cutie by the name of Wan Alayna Humaira is an eye candy for all of us since then.She has the most attention that a baby could ever get from anyone n we are blessed with her presence in this family..welcome to the world princess!
Wan Alayna Humaira,the name given by her parents that means a pink princess(puteri yg kemerah-merahan).As kak yu said,'kalo tak cerah,dh kne tukar nama la ni' heheh..alhmdlah,she is a pink princess indeed..gebu and cute
gerammmmmmmmm...i will posted her pictures later.she has loads of pics!!
I thank Allah for making all this happened with good ending..kak yu had delivered safely via Caesarean,although there were some hiccups but alhmdlah,evrythng went fine.the baby is healthy so as the mommy..surely,Allah has blessed us with wonderful things and I really thanked Allah for the happiness that He has bring into our life..
they came home after 3 days staying at hospital.the baby's skin is slightly yellow then,indicating the sign of jaundice..the doctor has given his advised to place the baby directly under morning sunlight to prevent the yellowness of the skin from getting worse.the doctor is quite traditional I guess by looking at his advice..cool aye..modern but also traditional..nice~
howevr,aftr two days at home,the baby had shown some symptoms for fever and her jaundice has gotten worse too.So,she was sent to hsptl for check-up and unfortunately she has to be warded because of fever and jaundice.we were sorry and worried for her as we have realized that we were the cause for her getting ill.mak,nada,abg and siti had spread our bacteria to the baby due to our fever,cough and flu that have not yet recovering...so,the air was not so healthy and fresh for a newborn..poor baby!
so,for now she is still in the hsptl and we cn't wait for her to be back home.everyone is praying hard for her good health and hopefully baby alayna will get well soon!
Wan Alayna Humaira,the name given by her parents that means a pink princess(puteri yg kemerah-merahan).As kak yu said,'kalo tak cerah,dh kne tukar nama la ni' heheh..alhmdlah,she is a pink princess indeed..gebu and cute
I thank Allah for making all this happened with good ending..kak yu had delivered safely via Caesarean,although there were some hiccups but alhmdlah,evrythng went fine.the baby is healthy so as the mommy..surely,Allah has blessed us with wonderful things and I really thanked Allah for the happiness that He has bring into our life..
they came home after 3 days staying at hospital.the baby's skin is slightly yellow then,indicating the sign of jaundice..the doctor has given his advised to place the baby directly under morning sunlight to prevent the yellowness of the skin from getting worse.the doctor is quite traditional I guess by looking at his advice..cool aye..modern but also traditional..nice~
howevr,aftr two days at home,the baby had shown some symptoms for fever and her jaundice has gotten worse too.So,she was sent to hsptl for check-up and unfortunately she has to be warded because of fever and jaundice.we were sorry and worried for her as we have realized that we were the cause for her getting ill.mak,nada,abg and siti had spread our bacteria to the baby due to our fever,cough and flu that have not yet recovering...so,the air was not so healthy and fresh for a newborn..poor baby!
so,for now she is still in the hsptl and we cn't wait for her to be back home.everyone is praying hard for her good health and hopefully baby alayna will get well soon!
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