Wan Alayna Humaira,the name given by her parents that means a pink princess(puteri yg kemerah-merahan).As kak yu said,'kalo tak cerah,dh kne tukar nama la ni' heheh..alhmdlah,she is a pink princess indeed..gebu and cute
I thank Allah for making all this happened with good ending..kak yu had delivered safely via Caesarean,although there were some hiccups but alhmdlah,evrythng went fine.the baby is healthy so as the mommy..surely,Allah has blessed us with wonderful things and I really thanked Allah for the happiness that He has bring into our life..
they came home after 3 days staying at hospital.the baby's skin is slightly yellow then,indicating the sign of jaundice..the doctor has given his advised to place the baby directly under morning sunlight to prevent the yellowness of the skin from getting worse.the doctor is quite traditional I guess by looking at his advice..cool aye..modern but also traditional..nice~
howevr,aftr two days at home,the baby had shown some symptoms for fever and her jaundice has gotten worse too.So,she was sent to hsptl for check-up and unfortunately she has to be warded because of fever and jaundice.we were sorry and worried for her as we have realized that we were the cause for her getting ill.mak,nada,abg and siti had spread our bacteria to the baby due to our fever,cough and flu that have not yet recovering...so,the air was not so healthy and fresh for a newborn..poor baby!
so,for now she is still in the hsptl and we cn't wait for her to be back home.everyone is praying hard for her good health and hopefully baby alayna will get well soon!
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