Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, 14 July 2011

the first date...

we had our first movie watching together and it is the Harry Porter ATDH 2 at Hoyts this morning,precisely 9.10 a.m. (eventhough the movie started reaallyyy late...i think it was 9.40 or so)..however, the movie is exciting and worth to watch as previous movies,obviously...although we were wondering kenapa HP tak mati sekali dgn you know who?..thus, from the conversation, we came into conclusion that one day,we must read all HP books to do the justice to the story as we know the details must be there and all the vagueness and tibe2 ade watak baru that books should have the explanations for that...on that note, i always wondering why i don't have that drive to read thick books plus FINISH reading them which i still struggling to find my way there...i like the idea of reading books and look at good books and commendable authors...but, never reach the finishing point of being able to complete reading a single thick book...whyyy ohh whyy? *agk self-pity disitu* after all thse years,i still cannot figure out the reasons..and i still can't up till now...

i think that this is the first movie ever kot...we prefer to download everything and have our cosy space to watch the movies...heheee~ohh yes,we've watched lots of em..ape nak,from malay series,malay movies, (seram,hantu..sume dh tgkk..hahhh),cite cina..yes,if u don't have things to do..that's what u'll do...if only we have friends nearby that we could get together and do stuffs like outings and makan2,that'll be really awesome...the fact is,everyone is quite far and us having no transportation(owned),kinda make it hard..well,duduk berdua lebih baik..as ma said,'boleh merapatkan hubungan'..but,lebih afdhal rsnye to have othr ppl to make our life merrier..ni nk dekat puasa dh tringat kt umah and how we celebrated iftar back then at home and watched 'jejak rasul' and 'rumah kedai' zaman dahulu kala before breaking fast and
we equally agreed that jejak rasul first episode was the best! and the feeling of crite rumah kedai is close to reality of the society..so much of anaylsis la kann..aaahhh.how we missed those moments..mse ni la nak feeling2 lebih...


*sambung puasa ganti dan puasa sunat bulan syaaban esok onwards*

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