heh..spring has long started and the weather is at its best lately..i'm loving it! we had 2 consecutive days of 'picnicking' outside library..the weather is too good and to not enjoying the great weather is a lost..at least I want to enjoy this kind of weather before going back to my land soon..yes,very2 soon~ at this time of the year, i love looking(peeking & observing) at people's garden where the flowers are blooming beautifully..ohh,how I adore them
my hubby and I even daydreaming of having our own garden (but it must be in vases so that it is easy to take care of)..apedahhh..hahahaa..we were more into veges than flowers as we can pluck and eat em when it's ready..(organic veges, how can it not sound good)
Last 2 weeks (early dec), all muslims from around the world celebrated eiduladha. for us in Sydney, the atmosphere was no difference to eidulfitri..it's just that we got to perform prayer at diff venue, this time around at one of the halls in UNSW. it was a nice, spacious, carpeted hall and I was told that we were lucky to be able to get that place as it was Sunday and the hall is not occupied (well,it was examination weeks)..alhamdulillah..we met Kak Y and Abg Asrul, whom were very generous to give us a ride back home. They even asked us to follow them to Kak G's house later as she had organized 'open house'. We gladly accepted the invitation (tho a bit shy coz we didn't even recognize Kak G, well, until we went to her house). Actually, we've met before but never talked to each other. She is a nice lady and an awesome cook too!!!
And I had bumped to my long lost friend, A.K at the 'open house'. He was with his colleague and students for a school trip bla blaa...we had a decent conversation and not long after that, we went back home..In the evening, Kak Aliza invited us to Kak Normah's house for 'makan-makan' again..As usual, we were not told beforehand and I didn't manage to prepare anything for the pot luck that they were having..(ohh,soganyeee). We even 'tapau-ed' some food!! (double triple segan!!!) I was told by Kak Normah that I looked different and she guessed it correctly that I'm pregnant...hehaaa..We stayed for quite some time..eating, chitchatting and gossiping (it was the boys yeee!!!) 'macam-macam crite UIA kluar'..
well,that's it....our spring events~what we are currently up to?
Mr syazwan: A huge test (90%) coming up right away..just around the corner.(Do your best sayang
Mrs Syazwan: EAP assignment in progress and Grammar and Construction of Meaning take-home test and both due next week..epic!
Till then~
Jaga diri
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