Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday 20 April 2012

42 days!

my bibiburp (new nickname for lutfiyah) is now 42 days and this marks my 42 days in confinement.yehaaaa..i'll be officially 'off' confinement by sunday.lutfiyah had gotten prolonged jaundice but alhamdulillah it was all cleared whn she was 30+days.my journey as a young mother(perlu ke young?)has been wonderful..though in the first few wks i wld say tht it was such an emotional turmoil n i was so overwhelmed wth motherly duties..i nvr regret nor complaint bout it but it ws all new experience n as a first timer,evythng has the ups n downs..nyhowww,i've toughend up n now able to nurse lutfyh single hnd..ahahh [of cos wth the support frm th helpful nursing pillow]
n as all new mums out thre who pln to exclusively breastfeed their sweethearts,i need to focus in doing so... do my best n be persistent n plss try not to whine n feel burden by all ths..breastmilk is lutfiyah's utmost nutritionl food tht she cld ever gt at ths age..i wnt to gve her the vry best tho my nipple cracked [freakingggg painnnn],smtms i do also feel hopeless n helpless whn i'm too exhausted aftr attndng to her needs..

Having said tht,thank u Allah fr ths opportunity..to be able to look at th innocent face n hvng countless great mommy moments esp when we stare at each othrs eyes r the joy of being a mummy..it's so special n sacred n beautiful..hopefully I cn breastfeed her until 6 months n insyallah,up till 2 yrs old..ease my journey o Allah..akan berusaha semampu boleh![breastpump baruuuuin mind!]ngeh2 :p

Umi loves lutfiyah sakeena sooo muchhh..nothng wl beat mine!

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