Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday 20 December 2012


this entry is dedicated to our 2nd anniversary as husband n wife on 23/10/2010..the day that we promised each other to cherish this marriage,to embrace each day wth warmth and happiness n to stay strong together come what may...

so, to that, happy 2nd anniversary mr zawji! thank u for being there always for me,everytime when i need u, in bright and glommy days, in joyous and upsetting mood. i am who i am now because of u..i've learned so many things from this marriage n i could say tht somehow u hv shaped/changed my perspectives on many things which is for the better,i would say..thank you for being our protecter, for being a superdaddy to our lil munchkin, for being my best friend, for being my confidante and football mate, for putting up with my emotions,desires and my fickled-minded self and most importantly for always being around to support me to be a better person..even whenever i feel down like such a complete dork, u constantly believe tht i am this wonderful and great person tht u know (hahh!)..see,i nvr thank u enough sayang.

thank u for all the moral/emotional support that u've given me..it means a world, honestly.i do hope tht we could together improve ourselves n be awesome parents to our kids..so, here is to many more years togetherrrrrrrr!

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