Saturday, 6 August 2011
of nada and winter semester...
1)English for Academic Purposes
2)Language Development
3)Theory and Practice in Literacy
4)Grammar and the Construction of Meaning
So far, it has been quite smooth as i know the subjects that i would like to enrol in..nevertheless, i have this keen interest to enrol in Research Method as i have this inner desire to continue my doctorate one day and i'm sure it will provide me with some basics in research methods and to enlighten me with some ideas of how the doctorate study would be..i have been contemplating and after some thoughts,i decided to drop it with the hope to venture that area future...
i have yet to find my kick-start for this sem..everything doesn't work well for me..i haven't done anything academic yet..i reluctant to read my notes which i've made the effort to download least mr hubby has kicked his brains long before me.he got loads and tonnes of reading to do..well,i'll find one later...just a tiny weeny then, my brain will work as efficiently as it always be...or as it has to
Autumn semester results:
1) Phonology and Pronunciation (P)
2) Research Perspectives (C)
3) Theory and Practice in TESOL (D)
4) Language Programming and Assessment (D)
That's not much..but i'm happy with myself..contented i am..alhamdulillah
a windy problem
due to my current condition, (yours truly is 6 weeks pregnant which is 4 weeks after conception),the windy problem has gotten from worse to worst..i had no idea why and what cause this to happen..i had been breaking fast with rice and decent condiments that serves my tummy to the full,drinking plenty of water and had a good supper and sahur (hmm,i did skip one or two..alarm didn't trigger our ear).i had constant difficulties to keep my wudhu' during prayer times and i fart a lottttttttttttt..let alone burping..funny thing is, mr hubby also develop the same kind of symptoms.he's having a fair share i guess..hahaaa...Hence, i've googled about this matter and found some tips to avoid me farting,bloating and burping without nobody's business..
How can I get some relief?
Here is a list of ideas which may help you get some relief from the pain and amount of gas you are experience.
- Eat regularly, but choose several small meals throughout the day rather than less frequent, larger meals
- Eat and chew slowly and avoid talking or gulping while you’re eating
- Choose to drink between meals instead of during meals, and when you do have a drink, drink from a glass (without gulping) as opposed to a bottle or a straw.
- Avoid fizzy/carbonated drinks
- Put your legs up to relieve pressure from your abdomen in order to assist digestion
- Sit upright while you’re eating or drinking
- Avoid wearing any tight clothing or belts, choose comfortable and loose clothing
- Avoid chewing gum or sucking on hard lollies
- Avoid artificially sweetened products and drinks (often in diet drinks)
- Exercise can help – try a brisk walk around the block after a meal for around 20 minutes or so
- Peppermint tea is safe to take and may provide relief
- If you have a tendency to be anxious or tense, learn some relaxation techniques or take up a activity like pilates (which is also good for core strength) or yoga.
Slower digestion can also result in constipation, so it’s a good idea to prevent this from happening. You can avoid constipation by increasing fibre intake slowly and drinking more water. Plenty of fresh fruits and vegies help too. Some fibre supplements can be used during pregnancy if you need extra help, but speak to your doctor, midwife or pharmacist first.
Foods to avoid
Some foods are known for making you more windy, so see if you can find out which of these may be causing problems for you or start a process of elimination – you might like to keep a food journal in order to spot the culprit(s). The sugar fructose is found in some of the below and something to be avoided
- Apples
- Asparagus
- Beans & other legumes
- Broccoli
- Brussel Sprouts
- Cabbage
- Cauliflower
- Milk or cheese
- Onions
- Peaches
- Pears
- Prunes
Fatty and fried foods can slow down digestion, so try and avoid it as best you can.
(taken from:* i need to seek advice from the doctor in the next appointment of what should i do and how to overcome this..maybe some supplement will do me a justice..
*my stomach feels so uncomfortable just now that i burst out my fart and it was a hell louddd!..i hope nobody notices that as a fart..LOL! i am in the library by the way..speaking of public embarassment..pftttt...
and it begins...the happy beginning
Your estimated due date is 31/03/12 , which is 8 months from now.
Your pregnancy will be full-term until 14/04/12.
The estimated date of conception is 09/07/11.
The estimated fetal age is 6 weeks and 1 days