1)English for Academic Purposes
2)Language Development
3)Theory and Practice in Literacy
4)Grammar and the Construction of Meaning
So far, it has been quite smooth as i know the subjects that i would like to enrol in..nevertheless, i have this keen interest to enrol in Research Method as i have this inner desire to continue my doctorate one day and i'm sure it will provide me with some basics in research methods and to enlighten me with some ideas of how the doctorate study would be..i have been contemplating and after some thoughts,i decided to drop it with the hope to venture that area later..in future...
i have yet to find my kick-start for this sem..everything doesn't work well for me..i haven't done anything academic yet..i reluctant to read my notes which i've made the effort to download them..at least mr hubby has kicked his brains long before me.he got loads and tonnes of reading to do..well,i'll find one later...just a tiny weeny later..by then, my brain will work as efficiently as it always be...or as it has to
Autumn semester results:
1) Phonology and Pronunciation (P)
2) Research Perspectives (C)
3) Theory and Practice in TESOL (D)
4) Language Programming and Assessment (D)
That's not much..but i'm happy with myself..contented i am..alhamdulillah
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