the timing is a bit off as your truly is actually 15 weeks pregnant and not 13 weeks as she thought she is..the ultra-sound check-up made it confirmed that the fetus in my womb is now growing healthily and constantly doing somersault
seeing him/her in the womb was something was all awe to see the little creature inside my womb and the feeling is just unbelievable~i kept on telling syazwan that i still couldn't believe that i am carrying a life inside my belly has expanded considerably normal as it supposed to my surprise, i've been losing 1 kilo..well,i think it's due to Ramadhan and doc is fine with that..nothing to be worried about and as to the wind problem that i still having now, i should eat frequently in small portion and keep it in time,like 6 times per day as advised.i do feel much hungrier than before, wanting to eat more than usual and i could gobble anything although i just had a decent lunch or dinner.seriousllyyy
Having healthy meals and eat regularly is a must for any pregnant woman, but i'll not let my desires over rule my as you need not as u want..and i've read somewhere that there's no such thing as eating for 'two'..Hence,i always try to keep it modest and swap it with lots of fluids, be it water orange mango juice from Coles and maybe some fruits that is in season..i like little mandarins and kiwi at the mo..cherry is out of season already..huhuuu~Thank goodness syazwan is there to keep my on track and ensure tht i do have my daily intake of milk which is mostly important
my cravings have been in control and luckily, i always crave for something that i can cook by myself which is awesome! meaning no eating out frequently and i can make my own hearty,nutritional meals with lots of veggies to go with it no matter what meal is that..yess,i eat lotsssss of veggies..yummeh!! sian mr hubby,who is not a big fan of veggie, that had to comply with my least it is healthy kan
and therefore, i think i have managed to make him 'rabbit' like myself,though not as die hard as i am
to list some of my cravings, just for my note in future of how much i've eaten and how rajin i am to cook all these dishes...hahah..well,asam pedas ikan tenggiri, rendang, nasi ayam, strawberry shake, kuah kacang, karipap daging n heaps of,there you go what goes into my tummy
i'm sure there's still a lot more and it is too many to remember that i couln't pen it down..just a few significant ones that i remember making tht effort to bersusah payah cari bahan sampai paddy's...
well, i think that's all for now..looking forward to the next check-up on nov 2nd at RHW
n to see my baby on nov 8th..hope that all is well..we are overwhelmed with the well wishes from people once syazwan posted up the ultrasound pic in FB..thanks heaps family and friends 
my cravings have been in control and luckily, i always crave for something that i can cook by myself which is awesome! meaning no eating out frequently and i can make my own hearty,nutritional meals with lots of veggies to go with it no matter what meal is that..yess,i eat lotsssss of veggies..yummeh!! sian mr hubby,who is not a big fan of veggie, that had to comply with my least it is healthy kan
well, i think that's all for now..looking forward to the next check-up on nov 2nd at RHW
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