thinking too much..hillarious!...
salam just popped put of my head to couple of months before when i feel a bit uneasy with my breasts kinda sore and it got bigger and more supple..i told mr hubby about it and couldn't help it but getting worried about it all the time..little that i know, mr hubby was much more worried than me..he even browsed the Internet to find information about it and too my surprise,he even suggested that it could be a sign of breast cancer!!~how bizzare! nau' is just too out of the world that i strongly believe that it is totally wrong..the out-of-state-of-mind incident and our pointless anxiousness at that time made me laugh inside every time i thought about it..a news that we thought could be the worst thing ever happened to me turned out to be a much awaited news,a happy one for us
there's someone growing inside my womb and i just felt on top of the world once the GP confirmed that..what a feeling!! subhanallah~i had mixed feelings and quickly told Mak,Ayah,Ma,Abah and my siblings about it.they were overwhelmed with happiness and Mak even screamed with excitement on the phone!
hahahaa..that's my Mak~I told Mak that I wasn't sure that how on earth I would cope with this pregnancy, the studies and being away from the family..she just told me to be calm and take it easy. she also said that the pregnancy will be easy as long as I take good care of myself and ensure precautions in the early months..'don't lift anything heavy, eat healthily, try not to get stress, take things easy and always consult my GP if anything concerns me' said Mak..after the long conversation with her, deep inside me, i always knew that help,support and comfort is just a phone call away and whatever it is, i will be able to face through the phases in life and pregnancy is just one of it that i should embrace, appreciate and be thankful about. Thank you Allah for giving me the opportunity to have this experience that is just wonderful and beautiful..I am very grateful for the smooth flowing pregnancy..i had no morning sickness,good appetite and I don't encounter difficulties to move around and be active throughout this 4 months pregnancy. Alhamdulillah
talking about morning sickness,mr hubby had some sickness sensation few days ago..he felt like vomiting one night and it happened several times..hehehehe..anyway, he didn't really puke and I Thank God for that..pity him
till then,Adieu
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