Monday, 26 December 2011
a quick update
Tuesday, 15 November 2011
spring is in the air
heh..spring has long started and the weather is at its best lately..i'm loving it! we had 2 consecutive days of 'picnicking' outside library..the weather is too good and to not enjoying the great weather is a least I want to enjoy this kind of weather before going back to my land soon..yes,very2 soon~ at this time of the year, i love looking(peeking & observing) at people's garden where the flowers are blooming beautifully..ohh,how I adore them
my hubby and I even daydreaming of having our own garden (but it must be in vases so that it is easy to take care of)..apedahhh..hahahaa..we were more into veges than flowers as we can pluck and eat em when it's ready..(organic veges, how can it not sound good)
Last 2 weeks (early dec), all muslims from around the world celebrated eiduladha. for us in Sydney, the atmosphere was no difference to's just that we got to perform prayer at diff venue, this time around at one of the halls in UNSW. it was a nice, spacious, carpeted hall and I was told that we were lucky to be able to get that place as it was Sunday and the hall is not occupied (well,it was examination weeks)..alhamdulillah..we met Kak Y and Abg Asrul, whom were very generous to give us a ride back home. They even asked us to follow them to Kak G's house later as she had organized 'open house'. We gladly accepted the invitation (tho a bit shy coz we didn't even recognize Kak G, well, until we went to her house). Actually, we've met before but never talked to each other. She is a nice lady and an awesome cook too!!!
And I had bumped to my long lost friend, A.K at the 'open house'. He was with his colleague and students for a school trip bla blaa...we had a decent conversation and not long after that, we went back home..In the evening, Kak Aliza invited us to Kak Normah's house for 'makan-makan' again..As usual, we were not told beforehand and I didn't manage to prepare anything for the pot luck that they were having..(ohh,soganyeee). We even 'tapau-ed' some food!! (double triple segan!!!) I was told by Kak Normah that I looked different and she guessed it correctly that I'm pregnant...hehaaa..We stayed for quite some time..eating, chitchatting and gossiping (it was the boys yeee!!!) 'macam-macam crite UIA kluar'..
well,that's it....our spring events~what we are currently up to?
Mr syazwan: A huge test (90%) coming up right away..just around the corner.(Do your best sayang
Mrs Syazwan: EAP assignment in progress and Grammar and Construction of Meaning take-home test and both due next week..epic!
Till then~
Jaga diri
Thursday, 3 November 2011
friday prayer at UNSW basketball court
Today, I had the chance to tag along Mr Hubby to Friday prayer. I couldn't remember the last time I did Friday prayer in Malaysia..must be somewhere in ancient years..
People coming to gather for Friday congregation (Friday prayer)
A great opportunity indeed and luckily, I have some female company with me, thus I don't feel left out. Perhaps, I want to follow u again next time, if God wills~
Saturday, 29 October 2011
u tickle me
do u know that u have the habit of tickling me? u tickle me when i'm studying, when i sleep and even harder when i feel extremely hungry..well, i'm not going to blame u coz i guess u feel the same way too
* umi is struggling to finish her LD feels like ages doing this task......i rather write to u my baby
the flying time
dear sweetheart,umi prays that u r safe n sound n grows healthily in my nurturing womb.i'm trying my best to make u feel comfy n give u the best nutrition that u could have for ur growth.i know u r a fighter n a strong man..umi loves u so much..thank you for keeping up with my mood swings that sometimes can make u feel uneasy inside..i know it'll affect ur emotions too..but u know,i can't bear it at's just too much to handle. i've become more sensitive, feel tired easily and my back pain can make me feel lil bit uncomfortable n the amount of workload that i've to endure right nw had resulted in my breakdown last couple of times like this, i long for your tickle that can make me laugh..i just love feeling of it.i'm really sorry sweetie pie.umi promise that it won't happen again.i want to be healthy,happy n glowing for u will be like that too..
abi takes care for umi with all his heart.he always make sure tht umi is happy and he wants umi to have the best.he helps a lot with the house chores and grocery shopping. he is truly loving,caring and compassionate.he is the best thing happen to me before u
on the other note,umi has been gaining more weight due to excessive eating..hahaa..i eat in a bigger portion and need frequent munching..owhh,that makes umi worried a lil bit..sikit worry coz i don't want to gain unnecessary fat because of this habit. moreover, i dont't want to look like a penguin or walk like a wombat ( i now walk like a tortoise n climbing up to UNSW library is a tough job darl)..anyhowww, i like to call that cardio-exercise,to make your heart pumping hard n strong..i need to be fit for myself n for ur sake my love
i will post some pictures of you n me sooner or later..can't wait to see you on Nov 8th
i love you my budak kecik
Thursday, 6 October 2011
thinking too much..hillarious!...
it just popped put of my head to couple of months before when i feel a bit uneasy with my breasts kinda sore and it got bigger and more supple..i told mr hubby about it and couldn't help it but getting worried about it all the time..little that i know, mr hubby was much more worried than me..he even browsed the Internet to find information about it and too my surprise,he even suggested that it could be a sign of breast cancer!!~how bizzare! nau' is just too out of the world that i strongly believe that it is totally wrong..
the out-of-state-of-mind incident and our pointless anxiousness at that time made me laugh inside every time i thought about it..a news that we thought could be the worst thing ever happened to me turned out to be a much awaited news,a happy one for us
i had mixed feelings and quickly told Mak,Ayah,Ma,Abah and my siblings about it.they were overwhelmed with happiness and Mak even screamed with excitement on the phone!
talking about morning sickness,mr hubby had some sickness sensation few days ago..he felt like vomiting one night and it happened several times..hehehehe..anyway, he didn't really puke and I Thank God for that..pity him
till then,
Saturday, 1 October 2011
of 15 weeks and 5 days~
my cravings have been in control and luckily, i always crave for something that i can cook by myself which is awesome! meaning no eating out frequently and i can make my own hearty,nutritional meals with lots of veggies to go with it no matter what meal is that..yess,i eat lotsssss of veggies..yummeh!! sian mr hubby,who is not a big fan of veggie, that had to comply with my least it is healthy kan
well, i think that's all for now..looking forward to the next check-up on nov 2nd at RHW
Saturday, 6 August 2011
of nada and winter semester...
1)English for Academic Purposes
2)Language Development
3)Theory and Practice in Literacy
4)Grammar and the Construction of Meaning
So far, it has been quite smooth as i know the subjects that i would like to enrol in..nevertheless, i have this keen interest to enrol in Research Method as i have this inner desire to continue my doctorate one day and i'm sure it will provide me with some basics in research methods and to enlighten me with some ideas of how the doctorate study would be..i have been contemplating and after some thoughts,i decided to drop it with the hope to venture that area future...
i have yet to find my kick-start for this sem..everything doesn't work well for me..i haven't done anything academic yet..i reluctant to read my notes which i've made the effort to download least mr hubby has kicked his brains long before me.he got loads and tonnes of reading to do..well,i'll find one later...just a tiny weeny then, my brain will work as efficiently as it always be...or as it has to
Autumn semester results:
1) Phonology and Pronunciation (P)
2) Research Perspectives (C)
3) Theory and Practice in TESOL (D)
4) Language Programming and Assessment (D)
That's not much..but i'm happy with myself..contented i am..alhamdulillah
a windy problem
due to my current condition, (yours truly is 6 weeks pregnant which is 4 weeks after conception),the windy problem has gotten from worse to worst..i had no idea why and what cause this to happen..i had been breaking fast with rice and decent condiments that serves my tummy to the full,drinking plenty of water and had a good supper and sahur (hmm,i did skip one or two..alarm didn't trigger our ear).i had constant difficulties to keep my wudhu' during prayer times and i fart a lottttttttttttt..let alone burping..funny thing is, mr hubby also develop the same kind of symptoms.he's having a fair share i guess..hahaaa...Hence, i've googled about this matter and found some tips to avoid me farting,bloating and burping without nobody's business..
How can I get some relief?
Here is a list of ideas which may help you get some relief from the pain and amount of gas you are experience.
- Eat regularly, but choose several small meals throughout the day rather than less frequent, larger meals
- Eat and chew slowly and avoid talking or gulping while you’re eating
- Choose to drink between meals instead of during meals, and when you do have a drink, drink from a glass (without gulping) as opposed to a bottle or a straw.
- Avoid fizzy/carbonated drinks
- Put your legs up to relieve pressure from your abdomen in order to assist digestion
- Sit upright while you’re eating or drinking
- Avoid wearing any tight clothing or belts, choose comfortable and loose clothing
- Avoid chewing gum or sucking on hard lollies
- Avoid artificially sweetened products and drinks (often in diet drinks)
- Exercise can help – try a brisk walk around the block after a meal for around 20 minutes or so
- Peppermint tea is safe to take and may provide relief
- If you have a tendency to be anxious or tense, learn some relaxation techniques or take up a activity like pilates (which is also good for core strength) or yoga.
Slower digestion can also result in constipation, so it’s a good idea to prevent this from happening. You can avoid constipation by increasing fibre intake slowly and drinking more water. Plenty of fresh fruits and vegies help too. Some fibre supplements can be used during pregnancy if you need extra help, but speak to your doctor, midwife or pharmacist first.
Foods to avoid
Some foods are known for making you more windy, so see if you can find out which of these may be causing problems for you or start a process of elimination – you might like to keep a food journal in order to spot the culprit(s). The sugar fructose is found in some of the below and something to be avoided
- Apples
- Asparagus
- Beans & other legumes
- Broccoli
- Brussel Sprouts
- Cabbage
- Cauliflower
- Milk or cheese
- Onions
- Peaches
- Pears
- Prunes
Fatty and fried foods can slow down digestion, so try and avoid it as best you can.
(taken from:* i need to seek advice from the doctor in the next appointment of what should i do and how to overcome this..maybe some supplement will do me a justice..
*my stomach feels so uncomfortable just now that i burst out my fart and it was a hell louddd!..i hope nobody notices that as a fart..LOL! i am in the library by the way..speaking of public embarassment..pftttt...
and it begins...the happy beginning
Your estimated due date is 31/03/12 , which is 8 months from now.
Your pregnancy will be full-term until 14/04/12.
The estimated date of conception is 09/07/11.
The estimated fetal age is 6 weeks and 1 days
Wednesday, 20 July 2011
masih di takuk lamaaaa...
while trying to get out of the bed,i'll just sit down for a while and think what to cook for iftar..then, i'll go straight to kitchen and cook whatever i feel like cooking..just like in a dream challenge of MASTERCHEF..that said,u can cook anything you like with no restriction..*as if* is usual that mr hubby doesn't request what to eat and that often leave me clueless of what i'm going to feed him...just want to cook a decent meal for him and i always end up cooking simple,'gravy-ish' meal for him..and it has to be a bit spicy..he likes the heat..simply said,he doesn't mind though..apa sahaja lalu di tekak..after countless attempts, i can say that my cooking skills have gotten better as he approves too...achewahhh..but,seriously i'm not that good long as it doesn't ruin my palates and looks edible..hahhhhhaaa..on that note, we think that we could do more decent fantabulous cooking if we have an oven...that thoughts come after scanning the delish recipe featured in newspaper and seasonal food issue by ENERGY australia..ohhh,reminds me of baking kuih raya this year..possible or impossible?can i just go to somebody's house and use their oven for a day to bake the cookies...well,it is not that we can't afford one, but thinking of just couple of months left in Sydney feels like it's not that necessary..we can still cook using the stove and microwave....just the baking part..
as i'm typing this entry,mr hubby is religiously reading the notes and completing his tutorial questions..this afternoon he received the news tht CL subject is not offered ths sem,so tht leaves him no choice but to enrol in community eye health ,which needed him to travel to India for at least 2 weeks...but then, it is not confirmed yet..he is still waiting for the email from his jugak bole jln2 don't mind at all..i think i can cope with's hard for him to leave me alone..heheheee~
*9 days left for the semester to resume and for the Holy Ramadhan to begin*
Thursday, 14 July 2011
the first date...
i think that this is the first movie ever kot...we prefer to download everything and have our cosy space to watch the movies...heheee~ohh yes,we've watched lots of em..ape nak,from malay series,malay movies, (seram,hantu..sume dh tgkk..hahhh),cite cina..yes,if u don't have things to do..that's what u'll do...if only we have friends nearby that we could get together and do stuffs like outings and makan2,that'll be really awesome...the fact is,everyone is quite far and us having no transportation(owned),kinda make it hard..well,duduk berdua lebih ma said,'boleh merapatkan hubungan'..but,lebih afdhal rsnye to have othr ppl to make our life nk dekat puasa dh tringat kt umah and how we celebrated iftar back then at home and watched 'jejak rasul' and 'rumah kedai' zaman dahulu kala before breaking fast and we equally agreed that jejak rasul first episode was the best! and the feeling of crite rumah kedai is close to reality of the much of anaylsis la we missed those moments..mse ni la nak feeling2 lebih...
*sambung puasa ganti dan puasa sunat bulan syaaban esok onwards*
Tuesday, 12 July 2011
the subject and the doctor
giving a helping hand and become one of the subjects for the assignment..the sophisticated and fully-equipped optometry clinic
Sunday, 10 July 2011
July 11th~
i will definiltely stock-up lotsa veggies and chicken and meat..the meat is definitely for our all-time fav karipap daging lada hitam..and veggies for our healthy and balanced diet..kekekee~
ape cite byk psl makanan that because i'm fasting..sighh,baru day one cik nada~ok,gotta go home and cook for our iftar~
till then,
cik nada~
*just bought two tix for harry potter and the deathly hallows part2 this Thursday (14 July) at Hoyts Eastgardens..our first movie together~my hubby slapped his forehead bcoz i didn't check properly for student rate!
Wednesday, 29 June 2011
what we are currently up to...
happy birthday siti :)
Start: | Feb 27, '12 12:00a |
happy birthday kak ti !!!
Start: | May 30, '12 12:00a |
happy birthday abg!!!
Start: | May 30, '12 12:00a |
happy birthday kak yu :)
Start: | Oct 15, '12 12:00a |
happy birthday mak :)
Start: | Mar 2, '12 12:00a |
happy birthday ayah!!!
Start: | Oct 13, '12 12:00a |
happy birthday to me!
Start: | May 7, '12 12:00a |
Tuesday, 28 June 2011
Happy birthday sayang :)
Start: | Jan 18, '12 12:00a |
Sunday, 26 June 2011
winter warmer ~
the time mak n siti were here had surely been the happiest and meaningful two weeks that i've ever had in Sydney. As soon as she knows I'm going to move to Sydney, Mak always wanted to pay a visit as she wants to cover the eastern part of Aussie that she hasn't discovered yet. Mak spent her entire mid-year hol in Sydney and stayed in our humble abode together my lil sis,Siti who is supposed to be Mak's loyal company ever since all her other daughters are no longer under her guidance...*quoted Mak*.
The first week they were here, it was all 'jalan-jalan Sydney' as I haven't finished my classes as yet.Being a good student,missing a single class is a BIG thing
The second week was packed with short trips to Victoria and Queeensland. We headed to Melbourne for two nights, Gold Coast for another two nights and made our way back to Sydney just in time for Mak n Siti to fly back to Malaysia...
Friday, 15 April 2011
of me and my life...
*that was...let me guess four months ago since i wrote them..*geleng pale sendri* oh dear..that's sooo nada kan..i care not to update anything or i'm just not writing for the sake of not feeling of writing it down even tho there are lotsa things to pen down here...
until the next one~